
2011年4月1日 星期五


The Decline of Feudalism
Reasons for the Decline of Feudalism
The reasons for the decline of Feudalism during Medieval period of the MiddleAges included:
  1. The Crusades and travel during the MiddleAges opened new trade options to England started to move from land based economy to a money based economy.
  2. The Black Death - this reduced thepopulation of England by one third. Labour became a valuable commodity.
  3. The Peasants Revolt - Peasants realisedtheir worth and demanded changes. Charters were granted but ignored by nobles.
  4. More trade saw the growth of more towns.
  5. Peasants moved away from the country intotowns they were eventually allowed to buy their freedom.
  6. Land was rented and the rights of lordsover labour decreased.
  7. The Feudal Levy was unpopular and as timewent by Nobles preferred to pay the King rather than to fight and raise troops.
  8. Armed men were paid a wage and Medievalwarfare was financed by taxes and loans.
  9. Nobles became weaker - the Kings tookback their lands and power.
  10. A centralised government was established.
  11. The Hierarchy of European Feudalism
What are the advantages of the feudalism?
In the structure of European Feudalism, thehierarchy occurred which is very important. A natural pyramid shaped hierarchyhad already developed headed by the king, who was surrounded by nobles. The urge for the great countries of Europe to fight and acquire new lands and territories led to the hierarchy of European feudalism and its main advantage which was that men who were not of noble birth could climb up the Feudalism pyramid of power.

If a man proved himself in battle and as a loyal supporter he was rewarded with land (called a fief ) In return for the land the loyal supporter or Vassal would swear an Oath of Fealty and pay homage to his lord or King.

What are the disadvantages of the feudalism?
A Feudal System prevents social mobility, economic growth, and intellectual development.
The feudal system prevents social mobility by the establishment of the strict caste system. Lower Lords and Knights as part of the Aristocracy are responsible for ruling over this lower class. The Aristocracy is in charge of the serf society and a very small group of artisans and craftsmen. In loose control of the Aristocracy is the extremely wealthy Religious Hierarchy.
Besides, economic growth is hampered by the fact that the system is so tightly held together. The serfs are required to tend to the same land and cannot move from place to place. their and farming practices in their entirety.
Intellectual development is largely ignored in feudal society. Academics only ever arose from the upper classes and were often liturgically bound as new thought and invention was under high scrutiny of heresy.

Why we say "the Renaissance is a period of challenging"?
This movement encouraged education in social and political life. They believed in patriotism and in humanistic learning and that, the residents of Florence, in particular, and other Italian cities should be proud of their heritage.
These political and cultural changes eventually made their way out of Italy and into other parts of Europe.
It is because during Medieval period of the Middle Ages Florence became a wealthy city in spite of its inland location away from the major trade routes.
Family fortunes were made in Florence in banking and industry. Florence became the banking center of Italy during the 14th century. During the 15th century, the Medici bank began opening branches in major cities in Europe.
In addition to loaning money, they operated mines, mills and other commercial activities. The Medici bank, owned by Cosimo de Medici accumulated huge profits and used those profits to finance cultural activities as well as political activities.
Italy’s economic power was challenged during the late 14th century as other country rulers began consolidating their power. The rulers of England, France and Spain put policies in place that were favorable to their own middle class tradesman and  weakened the influence of the Italian middlemen in trade.
Italy’s influence was further diminished by Portugal’s development of a direct sea route to Asia at the end of the 15th century. Until that time Italy was the primary route between the Far East and Western Europe.
The 18th century, also known as the “Age of Enlightenment” was a time when the ideas of the Renaissance continued to grow and become more widespread. Specifically, it was a time when the advancements in science led to an emphasis on the power of human reasoning.
One of the better-known intellectuals or “Enlightened” thinkers was French philosopher Voltaire. He believed that this new era was a time to liberate thinking away from the superstition that, he believed, characterized the Christian society of the Middle Ages.
He applauded the declining power of the prevalent Roman Catholic Church therefore these romanticists believed a very important part of the Renaissance was the individualism that flourished at the time. The capabilities and the rights of individuals were most important to them.

