
2011年1月8日 星期六

Comparison of the responsibility of Germany in the two world wars

Comparsion of the responsibility of Germany between WWI and WWII? 
The following materials hope to be useful for preparing the basic frame in repsect of your question.


Come to the point of your question, up-today different factional historians have debated this topic for many years but still stay in a controversial status. In my opinion, the only logical conclusion that Germany should held major responsible for the outbreak of World War I & II  but not solely.


We'll start with the facts and work back: it may make it all the easier to understand how World War One & Two actually happened : 

In the WWI the events of July and early August 1914 are a classic case of "one thing led to another" - otherwise known as the treaty alliance system.

The explosive that was World War One had been long in the stockpiling; the spark was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.  (Click here to view film footage of Ferdinand arriving at Sarajevo's Town Hall on 28 June 1914.)
Ferdinand's death at the hands of the Black Hand, a Serbian nationalist secret society, set in train a mindlessly mechanical series of events that culminated in the world's first global war.

The second global conflict (WWII)  resulted from the rise of totalitarian, militaristic regimes in Germany, Italy, and Japan, a phenomenon stemming in part from the Great Depression that swept over the world in the early 1930s and from the conditions created by the peace settlements (1919–20) following World War I.

After World War I, defeated Germany, disappointed Italy, and ambitious Japan were anxious to regain or increase their power; all three eventually adopted forms of dictatorship  that made the state supreme and called for expansion at the expense of neighboring countries.

When Germany occupied (Mar.1939) all of Czechoslovakia, when Italy seized (Apr.1939) Albania, Great Britain and France abandoned their policy of appeasement and set about creating an antiaggression front, which included alliances with Turkey, Greece, Romania, and Poland, and speeding rearmament. 
Germany and Italy signed (May, 1939) a full military alliance, and after the Soviet-German nonaggression pact (Aug., 1939) removed German fear of a possible two-front war, Germany was ready to launch an attack on Poland. 

Of course, the German was treated as a main source in the events and played an important role during WWI & WWII. However, we should illustrate why Germany held major responsible for the outbreak of World War I & II as the following facts : 
Germany encouraged Austria-Hungary to be completely unreasonable in its dealings with Serbia. From this, we can observe that Germany should be held primarily responsible for the outbreak of World War I, because it could have applied pressure on Austria to secure peace 
but it actually is encouraged her to attack Serbia which directly caused the First World War.

In World War II, we could find from the beginning on Sept. 1, 1939, when Germany, without a declaration of war, invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany on Sept. 3,
and all the members of the Commonwealth of Nations, except Ireland, rapidly followed suit. The fighting in Poland was brief. The German blitzkrieg, or lightning war, with its use of new techniques of mechanized and air warfare, crushed the Polish defenses, and the conquest was almost completely.

