
2011年1月8日 星期六

British Empire and Africa

British Empire and Africa
1.What was traded?
In the 17th century Europeans began to establish settlements in the Americas . The division of the land into smaller units under private ownership became known as the plantation system. Starting in Virginia the system spread to the New England colonies. Crops grown on these plantations such as tobacco, rice, sugar cane and cotton were labour intensive. However, the trade was abolished in the early 1800s and the British put a lot of effort into trying to wipe out slavery and the slave trade in all of Africa . This changed Britain 's relations with West Africa . British merchants and traders developed close links with the rulers of the many different nations on the West Coast of Africa, such as the rulers of Benin , Dahomey and Asante . These nations provided Britain with gold, luxury foods and many other goods.

2.What motivation for taking over Africa ?
Initially, the British wanted to control South Africa because it was one of the trade routes to India . However, when gold and diamonds were discovered in the 1860s-1880s their interest in the region
of Africa increased. This brought them into conflict with the Boers.

3.What is Britain 's legacy in Africa ?
It is so difficult to make a sweeping judgment about British rule in Africa . The arrival of the British certainly disrupted traditional African culture and ways of living. It widened the gap between African chiefs and their people. It changed African economies and made them dependent on trade with Britain . The British invested in the development of roads and railways. They brought new ideas about education and medicine (although they also brought diseases with them). British officials generally treated the Africans better than the settlers who were left behind when the British pulled out. The British were also generally more tolerant of local religions and customs than other European rulers.
The British put enormous resources into combating slavery. The Royal Navy stopped slave ships, raided the camps of slave traders and co-operated closely with the navies of other countries in the campaign against slavery. In 1841 the British government negotiated treaties with Prussia , Holland , Denmark , France , Austria and Russia in which the powers all agreed to combat slavery. After slavery was abolished in the USA (in 1865) the British and American navies worked out detailed plans to catch illegal slavers. British missionaries and explorers, with the help of British officials and the military, worked tirelessly to stop the slave trade from East Africa to Arabia . Against this, some historians argue that fighting slavery, building railways etc simply helped Britain 's trading interests.

4.What wars were fought?
Tensions between Boers and British led to the Boer War of 1899-1902. This was an extremely bloody and brutal war, which the British eventually won.

5.Where did the war fought?
The first Boer War were fought between Ladysmith, Mafeking and Kimberleyin Africa
The second Boer War were fought between the South African Republic( Transvaal Republic ) and the Orange Free State.

6.When was the date of conquest?
The Second Boer War, was fought from 11 October 1899 until 31 May 1902. It ended with the annexation of the region under the British Empire, ultimately forming the Union of South Africa

7.Which countries competed to control Africa ?
The descendants of the Dutch settlers (Boers) in Africa,
The British Empire
The Dutch-speaking Boer in Africa

Except, the above three groups. Actually, when the increase of gold and diamonds were discovered in the 1860s-1880s in the region of Africa. According to History Books : Prussia , Holland , Denmark , France , Austria and Russia also had interest to compete the control Africa with this new discovery based on the economy villages well as based on this internationalism.
8.How were Africans treated? (Offers from place to place)
The Boers disliked British rule. They wanted a simple farming life. British rule made their country increasingly a country of industry and business. The Boers also felt that the native Africans were inferior and should be treated as slaves. The British insisted that Africans should have rights. Despite this, they fought several wars with African peoples in the 1870s and effectively broke the power of the Zulus.
By 1910 the Boers ruled a South Africa that was virtually independent from Britain . This did little to help the native Africans. They had few rights under the British. They got the lowest paid and most dangerous jobs in the mines. However, when South Africa ruled itself they were even worse off. The white South Africans passed a range of laws that discriminated against them. The black African majority would not enjoy full rights in South Africa until the 1990s.

