
2010年11月19日 星期五

My Motto

 My motto is “Play hard, study hard, and work hard.”  I do as much as I can  every day.  I don’t waste any time.  God only gives us a certain period of time.  He wants us to make the best use of it.  He wants us to enjoy it.  We should enjoy life while we are still young.  Don’t miss any opportunities. Don’t pass up any good chances.  Life is short.  Life is sweet.  Life is precious.

 Go for broke.  Live for the moment.  I live my life like there is no tomorrow.  Live it up.  Try new things.  Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow may never come. I don’t care if I live a long or short life.  To me, quality is more important than quantity.  I want to live each day as my last.  Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is a mystery.  Today is a present.


